Monday, April 5, 2010

Wakeboarding can be my life!

I always thought that there is a big chance that I may excel in something that is physically challenging. I may be slender and may look frail, but I know with my determination and competitiveness, I can make it.

I just experienced the best adrenaline rush after more than five years when I went to Camsur Watersports Complex (CWC) this weekend. Gawd! It was really fun and I can't seem to have enough of it!

Wakeboarding (from Wikipedia) is a surface water sport which involves riding a wakeboard over the surface of a body of water. It was developed from a combination of water skiingsnow boarding and surfing techniques.

The good thing about CWC is it is man-made and they have beginners spot. So you don't have to test your skill in open water. It gives you an additional amount of confidence to do it. 

I was unsuccessful during the first and the second time I tried. Unlike my husband who succeeded to finish a lap without falling on his first try. But I was able to master the technique on the third and successfully finished and turn during my last ride. 

I promise myself I'd go back. And if that happens, I'll try the ramp and just let wakeboardingbe my life! hahahA!
here I am trying it on land

Click here to be directed to Camsur Watersports Complex website

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