Monday, February 21, 2011

a daughter's comfort

Last night, while I was busy organizing my accessories, I began thinking of the recent things that had happened. It felt really heavy inside and I started crying.

I heard my husband talking to Sari to go get me without them knowing I was already sobbing.

Sari, all jovial and excited, went up to me and saw me inside the storage room with tears streaming down my face. Her smile turned into uncertainty. Perhaps, wondering what's going on and why I was crying.

She suddenly wiped the tears on my cheek, waved her hand and said "Hi!" with a big smile.

I knew that moment on that she was trying to comfort me and make me feel better.

I hugged her and just cried and felt really lucky to have her and understand that I needed that touch to make those pain go away.

I love you Sari. You are my angel.

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